CBD medicines have gotten a lot of attention lately

CBD is a hemp-based medicine that has been around for a long time and hasn’t received much attention,
but interest is growing as we learn about its neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties.

CBD’s high therapeutic potential

It is actively used in the treatment of epilepsy and although little research has been done with other neurological conditions,
many people have used CBD and cured themselves of neurological conditions, which is an indirect indication of its therapeutic potential.
CBD is legalised in many countries for medicinal purposes only,
but it is still illegal to use for medicinal purposes in some countries.

CBD medicines

Researchers test CBD on rats

Working with rats, the researchers wondered if CBD could have a therapeutic effect on cocaine addiction,
so they divided 48 rats into four groups: the first group was injected with CBD and cocaine.
The second group was injected with CBD and no active substance.
The third group was injected with cocaine and no active substance.
The fourth group received two injections with no active substance.